Sponsor Spotlight

Brooke Rex

Sponsor since: April 2020

  • What's your favorite experience?
    My favorite HeroBox experience is my friendship with my sailor who is now stateside. She was beyond thankful and grateful for the support. She had a real simple list and I just enjoyed being able to spoil her with her list and extras. We keep in touch through social media now that she is home and still continuing her work in the Navy in Maryland. She told me when and if she ever makes it to California it'll be great to meet the woman behind the care packages!

  • How many boxes have you sent?
    I have sent 46 HeroBoxes to 21 different Heroes.

  • Do you have any tips for other sponsors?
    I always include a handwritten letter, even when it sounds like I am rambling I get positive feedback on the cards I send.

About our Sponsors

Our programs are designed to engage our greatest asset… You. HeroBox sponsors are the heartbeat of our mission. By connecting sponsors directly with deployed service members, our Heroes can receive exactly what they want while away from home. But more importantly, you will provide the moral support they desperately need. Click here to visit our MyHero program page and learn more about supporting deployed heroes. Have questions? Click here to contact our support team.


Cretex Medical HeroDay


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